The Mind

Kaustubh Labhe
1 min readFeb 26, 2021


A night sky.
Full of million stars. Ready to explode and die.
And be reborn.
Inside my head. Sparkling.
Make a wish. Look through my eyes, if you catch one falling.
Blinded by the light outside, when the source is within me.
Lost in the space outside, why?
The universe is within me.
Pandora’s box.
Is it worth the gamble?
To speak or not to speak.
For mind, it rarely does justice to heart.
For words, they rarely do justice to thoughts.
Unless, you have a fine language. Or a fine listener. Or both.
Is it worth the risk?
A beautiful chaos. Reflecting the one outside.
How can you manifest your desires, for they never end.
Controlled by desires. Caught in a loop of expectations, and judgements, and love, and happiness, and trust, and failure, and boundaries.
So irrelevant.
How can you ask for your wants, for they are not steady.
Heck, you are not steady.
You are not ready.
A battle lost. Freeing what?
We are free, now.
Free to do whatever we could.
Break barriers. Travel the world.
Own any land, wherever we stood.
Freedom is convenient. Well, freedom is relative.
Modernized, taken for granted, wrapped around a selfish narrative.
A never ending pursuit, rather, a fantasy.
Made up by our mind, fictionalized, sold and justified.

